Busan, South Korea, successfully hosted K-Handmade and Illustration Fair 2023 at BEXCO Hall Exhibition Center 1, from July 21st to July 23rd.
The K-Handmade Fair is an exhibition held exclusively for artists in the handmade industry that aims to serve as a business platform for overviewing trends in the handmade industry, showcasing special and unique talents, illustrations, creative designs and artworks of various artists from all over the country.

This year, Redt has been given another opportunity to be part of the trade fair.

Redt has been an active participant of this event since 2019.
Through this event, Redt products have been successfully introduced to various markets nationwide.

Redt CNC, Turbo and LaserMachines

The RedtMarketing Team have welcomed manypotential clients this year.

Many visitors have gathered to inquire and show their interest in Redt products.

Our team especially received many inquiries about the engraving machines.
Many visitors were curious about stone, wood, acrylic and rubber stamp engraving which Redt engraving machines specialize in.

The sample products displayed at the Redt booth caught many of the visitors’ attention at the trade fair.
The visitors were impressed by the quality of the products produced with Redt CNC, Laser and CNC machines.

By taking part in this event, Redt once again was able to present its products to various markets and industries from across the country.
Thank you for your constant support!
Redt Inc.
For further information, visit our website:
Email us:
Inquiry: sales@iredt.com
Or, reach us via our social media accounts:
YouTube: @RedtInc.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magic_engraver
Treads: @magic_engraver
Twitter: @REDTechnologyCo